Additional Free Classes We Offer!

Look below for the free classes we offer every week:
Showcase Your Love Through Art: Join us for fun storytelling and card making with Ryan! Every Saturday, we will be reading a book and we will be using our imaginations to draw cards for hospitals, hospice, senior centers, essential workers, and organizations all across the country. By sending them a card, we hope to brighten their day with something little!
Drumming with Justin:If you are interested in drumming or music, this free online virtual drum lesson is right for you! Every Saturday you will be able to learn the basic rudiments of drumming and learn to control your rhythms!

Fitness Friends Studio:Ready to get fit during quarantine? Join us every Saturday morning for a group workout with all your friends. We will be learning fun and easy exercises, ways to stay strong, healthy habits, and much more!
If you are interested, please follow our blog to get updates and weekly information.